Sunday, August 9, 2009


Last Wednesday, is the last day i met Chi Wern in this time he came back to Malaysia in this holiday...

That day, after i dismissed...
I went to Chi Wern's house. After that, we together went to Heng Ee to fetch Ying Houng back to her home for shower...because after that we were going to go to Queensbay for capturing photo at the Photo Sticker Shop...for 大头贴
Before that, we fetch her and her friend (forgotten her friend's name already...:D) back to home...when we reached Cherry's house, her gate key fall down on the floor hardly, the battery and the cover spread away...
Then i imediately get down from the car and have a look on the key....
After i have a look on the key, i placed the battery and sticked the cover back...
It then can used again...== LOL

~Cherry, you were so lucky as i get down from the car to "repair" for you, otherwise the one who lucky were 2 of us already...because we can see you climb in...if you key still can't function...i definitely would capture you while you climbed in it...:P...~

And then we went to Chi Wern's grandma's house a while for passing her something from Chi Wern's mom...a while later we went to Cherry's house to fetch her again...this time we directly head to Queensbay for 大头贴...

When we got in the shop...the shopkeeper asked us to choose our photos themes...
We passed this to Cherry...let her choose...
After that, we got in front of the machine, we discussed for how to pose for the photos, adjust the effect of the photos ourself...
Maybe ecause of 3 of us quite beginner to that machine...
After we pressed something and make that machine request for the password, we stuned...then Chi Wern went out to ask for help...when he out...he saw a man standing there...he directly asked that man come...but actually that man is a customer...he was waiting for photos shoot...
After Chi Wern realised that he is not the shopkeeper...he imediately hide back inside...then 2 of us laugh on him...lolx...
And don't know why, after he back, the machine no longer request for the password...
Then we just continued for our discussion...we took 10 photos...all with different pose...
It took us around 1 hour for that 10 photos....
However, we felt that it is so beautiful, so we print it out 3 pieces for 3 of us...

After that, we accompany Chi Wern go to buy some clothes as his mom asked him to buy some clothes before going back to Japan...but at last, he ended up by just buying a jacket...==

Then, we left Queensbay for heading to Bayview to have our dinner on that romantic Revolving Restaurant...the feeling was so special to go with 2 of them...^^
On the way to Bayview....that was a traffic jam hour...however, we din't feel struggling for that traffic...we have a lot of things to talked about...din't feel quiet for even a second...
This is the 1st time i feel so enjoy during traffic jam...^^

After we reached Bayview Hotel...we directly went up to R level...and started to attack that buffet dinner...haha...
The food on that day not really nice compare to the time i came before...
However, we were so enjoyed on it...
In that restaurant, we talked a lot and ate alot...
We talked about friends, exam, Libra (our horoscope), passed, future and many many secrets(lol)...

Cherry took camera there...
But her camera very hard to adjust...
Until many of the photos we took looked blur...
But after we finished our dinner in that restaurant at around 1030pm...
We went downstair and try take photos by using that hard controled camera...haha...
However, we still failed to control that "untame animal"....
At last, we asked a guard to take photo for 3 of us...
What a SHOCKED!!! He could able to control that camera until he shoot us so clear...

so great

After this, we started to fetch Cherry back...
That's quite late already...but her mom din't call her for asking what time she want to back to home...
I felt weird and ask her...
She said her mom don't worry that if she come out with us...but will worry if go out with other people...haha...that's mean her mom believe us...haha...thanks la aunt^^

When on the way back to home...
Some of the street very dark...
Cherry talked about ghost...
Chi Wern said "wow...don't talked at night better..."
He seem a bit scare...haha...
That Cherry seem abit houghty when she could able to make Chi Wern scare...:D
Suddenly, the light in the car suddenly light up and off imediately...
Me and Chi Wern had noticed that...Cherry din't see it as she was talking about her grandma story to us...
Chi Wern asked me whether i had noticed it or not? I said yes...but in my mind that time i really din't think about ghost...the 1st thing came into my mind is must be one of the door din't closed properly...
Before i want to say out my idea...Cherry grabed my shoulder and asked for help...because she was sitting at the backseat...haha...she looked really scared...but for me, she really funny...:D:D

However, this is a really a very enjoyed day for me....thanks for 2 of you^^